2022 CFM Bulletin Board Kits {Old Testament}
If you are looking for a fun, visual way to display and remember Come, Follow Me each week - look no further! My "Bulletin Board" Kits are a fun and informative way to keep your family on track with the reading schedule! Have two versions... a full printable kit designed for a 17x23 bulletin board (great for a family command center) as well as a SIMPLER (single sheet) version that I call "FAUX". Why faux? It's one sheet per week that LOOKS like a bulletin board, but it's just a printed page! The FAUX pages can be posted on your fridge or on an easel for everyone to see all week long.
- Both styles include the weekly assignment, lesson title, spotlight verse, 3 questions to ponder and a weekly ICON that portays a key principle in each weekly lesson!
- FULL KITS: (10-12 pg PDF's each month) Print and assemble on 17x23 bulletin board; weekly pieces are swapped each week - kids LOVE this part!
- FAUX PAGES: Single page per week... same info, super quick and easy!
- Kits come as monthly sets - or buy a discounted ANNUAL bundle!